1: Name, foundation, seat, financial year
- The name of the association shall be "European Academy of Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction” – EAOPD (hereinafter the “Academy”).
- Date of foundation 14-07-2017.
- The seat of the Academy shall be Bettmeralp, Switzerland.
- The financial year of the Academy shall be the calendar year.
- It is an association within the meaning of Swiss Civil Code § 60 et seqq.
2: Vision statement
The aim of the Academy is to improve the knowledge and skills of professionals working in the field of Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction (OPD).
This aim will be achieved by promoting and co-ordinating clinical and research activities in the field of OPD and by disseminating the results thereof.
3: Mission statement
- The Academy will organize annual scientific conferences to create a meeting place for all professionals dedicated to OPD. It is the Academy’s ambition to establish and maintain an active network of OPD experts who can advance knowledge and best clinical practice in this field.
- The Academy can organize closed conferences. These will be limited to members of the Academy. It is intended that these conferences can have an interactive and/or hands-on element. The aim of these conferences is to establish ‘best practice’ within the Academy.
- The Academy can organize open conferences. These will be open to anyone with an interest in the OPD field.
- All conferences will be organised by a committee made up of the Meeting Officer and the Treasurer, both of whom will be members of the Executive Board, and the National Liaison of the country hosting the conference, and any other person appointed by the Executive Board.
4: Membership
There shall be four categories of membership:
- Full Membership is open to health professionals or researchers working or interested in the field of OPD.
- Student membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled (minimally half time) in a university based educational program. Student membership automatically transforms into full membership on 31st of December each year and can be re-applied for by submitting respective documentation to the Treasurer.
- Retiree membership is available to members who are fully retired yet maintain an interest in the Academy.
- Affiliate membership is open to those individuals or corporations/organizations who have a real and substantial interest in the Academy aims.
5: Termination of membership
- Membership shall end by death. It shall not be transferred to heirs.
- Membership automatically ends when a member has not paid the annual fee before 31st of October of the fiscal year.
- Membership ends by voluntary withdrawal of a member from the Academy by written notification to the Secretary at least 1 month before the start of a new fiscal year.
6: The General Assembly (“GA”)
The activities of the Academy will be governed by a general assembly (GA).
The GA comprises all members, but only full members have voting rights.
The General Assembly shall meet annually and has the following duties:
- Election and discharging of the Executive Board.
- Election of the auditors.
- Approval of the annual financial statement prepared by the Treasurer.
- Approval of the annual secretarial statement prepared by the Secretary.
- Approval of the fees and dues.
- Approval of alternations to the bylaws.
- Dissolution of the Academy.
- Any other business present on the Agenda.
- The GA shall be convened at least once every year by the Secretary. Notification together with the Agenda and previous minutes shall be sent at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the GA. Within this timeframe full members can propose additional items to the agenda.
- An Extraordinary Meeting (EM) of the members shall be convened by the President when the interest of the Academy requires it or when one tenth of the members entitled to vote, request in writing that such meeting be held stating the purpose of and reasons for it. The purpose of a EM convened by either of these means must be clearly stated at the time that the meeting is convened.
- An extraordinary meeting has the same powers as an GA.
- The GA shall be chaired by the President. In the President's absence or disability the EB elects a replacement Chair.
- Only full members are entitled to vote. This can be granted to an attending full member by proxy up to a maximum of 2 by prior written information to the secretary.
- The chairperson of the meeting shall decide on the method of voting. A secret ballot shall be required if one third of the members present so demand. An electronic ballot using the Academy's website may be considered an option when and if technology is available.
- The GA shall form a quorum if at least twenty-five percent (25 %) of the full members are present. In the absence of a quorum, the President shall be required to convene a second GA within a period of 30 minutes. The Agenda of this second GA must be the same as for the first GA. The second GA shall form a quorum irrespective of the number of full members attending.
- All the resolutions taken by the GA, except those affecting the Bylaws, shall pass by simple majority of all valid votes cast. Any alterations of the Bylaws shall require a two thirds majority of those full members present.
- The resolutions of the GA shall be recorded in the minutes which shall be signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary. A copy of the minutes of the GA shall be sent to each member of the Academy within one month of the meeting.
7: The Executive Board. (“EB”)
The EB consists of the following officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Scientific Program-chair, Meeting officer. Only full members shall be eligible to the EB.
- Nomination for officers shall be presented to the GA.
- The election of officers by the GA will be for a term of 4 years. The only exception to this is that at the start of the Academy at least 2 and no more than 3 officers will serve 6 years.
7.1: The President
- The President shall lead the Academy and be its principal spokesperson. The President shall chair all GA and EB meetings. If the President is unable to chair a meeting, the EB will elect by simple majority a replacement.
- The President shall delegate the liaison function in consultation with the EB.
7.2: The Secretary
- The Secretary is required to keep a record of the EB meetings, and the GA, which will be countersigned off by another EB members present.
- The Secretary shall notify all members of meetings, of any nominations for membership and similar matters. Moreover, the Secretary shall prepare official ballots for election of officers and members of the Council.
- The Secretary shall keep the Bylaws up to date.
- The Secretary shall keep a record of all nominations and elections.
- The Secretary shall keep a list of all members and their contact data.
7.3: The Treasurer
- The Treasurer will have responsibility of all financial matters of the Academy. The Treasurer will manage the Academy’s account and pay all bills.
- The Treasurer shall keep and present to the GA a list of all members who are in default of their dues.
- The Treasurer shall prepare an annual statement, duly audited, of the financial affairs of the Academy. This will be available to the members no less than two weeks before the date of the GA at which it is to be presented.
- Journal distribution.
7.4: The Meeting Officer
The Meeting Officer shall be jointly responsible, with the EB, National Representative of the country hosting the conference, for the organisation of the scientific conferences.
7.5: The Scientific Program Chair
The Scientific Program Chair will chair the Scientific Program Committee. The Scientific Program Chair will be responsible for the scientific content of all conferences.
8: The Scientific Program Committee (“SPC”)
- The Scientific Program Committee shall consist of at least three full members. The membership must include at least 1 practicing clinician, 1 university member who is active in teaching or research or both. The Chair of the SPC will be elected by its members and will serve for a period no longer than 4 years.
- The SPC shall submit a general theme of the scientific conference no later than 24 months in advance of the meeting date. During the preparation of the scientific program the Chair of the SPC will make regular reports to the Meeting Officer of the EB. Twelve months prior to the scientific conference, the SPC shall submit the proposed program and speakers.
9: The National Liaison
Each year, the EB shall have the right to nominate a NR who needs to be a full member. The NR shall assist the Meeting Officer in the organization of the conference in the respective country.
10: The Auditor
- The Academy shall have at least two auditors who are elected each year at the GA by majority vote of the members present.
- Any full member of the Academy may be elected auditor.
- At least 4 weeks before the GA the auditors shall audit the annual financial statement prepared by the Treasurer. One of the two auditors shall report the results to the GA.
11: Fees and dues
- The annual fee for members shall be proposed by the EB and approved by the GA.
- Affiliate members are liable for dues at a level to be set by the EB.
12: Dissolution of the Academy
- The dissolution of the Academy shall require the two thirds vote of the full members. This may be done by postal or electronic means
- Unless otherwise resolved by the GA, the EB shall be authorized to act as liquidators of the Academy.
13: Liability
No EAOPD member shall be personally liable for the debts, liabilities or obligations of the Academy, within the restrictions of the Swiss law.
The aim of the European Academy of Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction is to improve the knowledge and skills of professionals working in the field of Orofacial Pain and Dysfunction (OPD).
This aim will be achieved by promoting and co-ordinating clinical and research activities in the field of OPD and by disseminating the results thereof.
The Scientific Program Committee (“SPC”)
The Scientific Program Committee shall consist of at least three full members. The membership must include at least 1 practicing clinician, 1 university member who is active in teaching or research or both. The Chair of the SPC will be elected by its members and will serve for a period no longer than 4 years.
The SPC shall submit a general theme of the scientific conference no later than 24 months in advance of the meeting date. During the preparation of the scientific program the Chair of the SPC will make regular reports to the Meeting Officer of the EB. Twelve months prior to the scientific conference, the SPC shall submit the proposed program and speakers.
Rosaria Bucci, SPC chair
The Executive Board
Malin Ernberg, President
Magdalini Thymi, Secretary
Eduardo Castrillon, Treasurer
Stanimira Kalaykova, Meeting Officer
Rosaria Bucci, SPC chair
Geneva, 14th of July 2017
EAOPD Conference 2024
EAOPD Conference
EAOPD Conference 2024congressbureau@eaopd.org
EAOPD Conference 2024EAOPD Conference 20240.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
To be announcedTo be announced